After performance of Two Songs on Poems of Seamus Heaney at Zoellner Center for the Arts, Bethlehem, PA. Far left, Karchin, and Pierangelo Valtinoni (visiting composer from Vicenza, Italy), far right, pianist Blair McMillen and composer Paul Salerni, with members of the Dali string Quartet.
“This work is an arrangement of the 3rd and 4th songs of my Seamus Heaney settings, for voice and piano. For a comprehensive program note, please see the entry under Four Songs on Poems of Seamus Heaney. A video performance of the chamber ensemble version of these songs may be viewed on the Ancient Scenes video, beginning at 21.04."
First performance:
Sarah Bertrand, soprano, Se-Hee Jin, piano
Eastman School of Music, Rochester, N. Y., March 25, 2015
Sarah Bertrand, soprano, Se-Hee Jin, piano