Duo for Violin and 'Cello

  • Title Duo for Violin and 'Cello
  • Year 1981
  • Instr vln,vc
  • Duration 13 min
  • Categories Chamber
  • Publisher ACA

First performance:
Rolf Schulte, violin, Fred Sherry, cello
League-ISCM, Weill Hall at Carnegie Hall
Dec. 17, 1981


“There were bursts of patter, a contrapuntal intricacy and sudden, witty acknowledgments of tradition all used for painting intricate psychological states. Virtuosically played by the violinist Rolf Schulte and with Mr. Sherry, there was a sense less of technical similarities to [Elliott} Carter—though Mr. Karchin has apparently been attracted to Mr. Carter’s transformations of tempo and rhythm---than of spiritual affinities.”

Edward Rothstein, New York Times
